Sept. 14, 2019

If the Body Believes, the Mind Will Follow - Celeste DeCamps, Brett Baughman - Episode 15

In this week’s episode of The One Last Thought Podcast, we are joined by Celeste DeCamps and Brett Baughman. Unbeknownst to them, they were both sharing thoughts about how we often look at life from the wrong lens, and how much we need to shift our focus in life from what we were taught, to what will actually positively impact our lives.

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One Last Thought

Guests: Celeste DeCamps, Brett Baughman.

In this week’s episode of The One Last Thought Podcast, we are joined by Celeste DeCamps, and Brett Baughman. Unbeknownst to them, they were both sharing thoughts about how we often look at life from the wrong lens, and how much we need to shift our focus in life from what we were taught, to what will actually positively impact our lives.


Guest bios:

Celeste DeCamps is a Motivational Speaker, Owner of “Empowerment Through Movement”, and Co-Founder of “Authentic Voice-Speaking Coach”. She shares a lifetime experience of stage-dance and movement through engaging stories and fun audience interaction. She guides the audience as they discover tools that will keep them feeling energized and confident moving forward.

Brett Baughman is an NLP Life Coach and Business Coach.He was voted as #1 Life Coach in Las Vegas in 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018, and he is the creator of the renowned coaching technique - The Ideal You.


Connect with our guests:


Celeste DeCamps:







Brett Baughman:









Guest Giveaways:


Celeste DeCamps:

I conduct workshops twice a month to help people become better communicators. For information on time and place, please go to my MeetUp page:


Brett Baughman:

Right now, get a taste of what it’s like to work me - enjoy a trial week of my life and business coaching for the cost of 1 session. For $250.00 get 1 week of coaching and one 90-minute session with me.


Support this podcast at —


I was so afraid that what I wanted to say wouldn't come out right, so I didn't say anything at all.


Happiness comes and goes; fulfillment is the true pursuit. And the way you find true fulfillment is by following your passions in life.


Growing up, I was very shy. I mean, I had trouble even looking people in the eyes when I spoke to them, and I rarely had little to offer to a conversation.


Let go of your fears and limitations and let go of the pursuit of happiness and understanding the true pursuit in life is to be fulfilled.


The only thing that made me feel good about myself was when I danced. All the shyness would go away, and I didn't think about what anyone thought of me.


You can get up every day and look yourself in the mirror and say, today I'm going to make a difference in one person's life.


When I became a professional belly dancer performing on stage every night, the confidence that I gained started to creep into my everyday life. I didn't understand what changed for me until I started teaching other women to dance.


Getting up every day wanting to make a difference and making sure that you do, something like getting up and saying I want to help others every day. There are things that are measurable, they're dynamic, and their attitudes that you take on to create a lifestyle for you. 


When you understand what your most important values are, that drive you unconsciously, those are your passions. Those are the things that truly fulfill you and when you pursue these and achieve those goals and passions, you live a much higher elevated existence.


And my students would come in and they would be feeling nervous and worried that they wouldn't get the steps right. But once I put them in sexy positions, all of that inhibition went away.


You can choose simple goals or big goals no matter how small, no matter how large matter how challenging or how easy to do. And you can say I'm going to do this today. This will make me feel fulfilled and take me one step closer to living the passion of helping others or making a difference.


Their minds didn't tell them that they were beautiful and sexy. Their bodies did that.


When I talk about passion, you need to understand and spend time in your life developing, harnessing, creating and refining the abilities you have within you that drive you as an individual. The things that when you get up on a bad day drive you just as hard as I do on a good day. So as you continue to succeed and have a pursuit to achieve those things in your life, your mind will not fight you. It will go along with your body and agree that you are strong and confident.


Then every night you can sit down, look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your day and say did I do what I wanted today? Did I take a step towards my passion and my fulfillment? Did I help someone today? Did I make a difference today? and it's easy to measure your success and understand whether you're doing that or not.


I realized then how important it was to check our posture and when you aren't feeling your best and your mind is filling you with self-doubt, stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, lift your head up and smile.


So if I leave one thing for you, it's to pursue fulfillment in your life in every area, from your relationships to your career, to your personal development, to your health and fitness, to your spiritual values, to your hobbies, pursue fulfillment in your life. And you do that by researching discovering and understanding what your passions are that drive you the deepest. They're the highest intention you have of everything you do when you understand that you'll change your life, and you'll change the world.


I know it sounds too good to be true. I guarantee you that it works.